As I hope you all already know, today is Rita Gill’s birthday. Rita is one of my best friends. When I say this, I don’t just mean “we hang out a lot lol!”. I seriously can not see my life without Rita in it. In fact, I can not remember the time where she wasn’t in it. I feel like I’ve known her all of my life. I don’t even remember how or when we started talking. Although, I could never forget that fateful day we became “IRL” friends:
Rita is the craziest person I know. I mean this in the best way possible. I think I have always been crazy, but since I started hanging out with Rita, she has helped bring the inner crazyass Bre to the surface. It is the most fantastic thing ever. I love the fact that she does not give a fuck about what people think of her. She’s so spontaneous and adventurous and is up for anything, which is why I think we get along so well. Rita is my partner in crime. It has been amazing to meet someone with the same over-active imagination I have. I believe, on average, Rita and I come up with at least 10 crazy ideas a day. Although we fully intend on going through with the ideas we come up with, I think deep down we’re still surprised when we find ourselves actually DOING them. Especially considering that most of them are completely, out of this world ridiculous.
Speaking of being out of this world…space travel anyone? Since Rita and I have become “The Future Girls”, I constantly get asked questions like “Why?” and “Where did this come from?”. The truth is, I have no idea. Rita and I are like preschoolers and the world is our playground. Luckily, we are older than preschoolers and able to make our games of make-believe into reality (or at least as close to it as possible). If we think of something batshit crazy, we do it. What fun would life be otherwise?
Anyway, to the point. I love Rita. I can not picture my life without her. I truly believe that Rita and I (together and seperately) will go on to do great things. So…THANK YOU PAM FOR GIVING US RITA 19 YEARS AGO!!!!

4 Responses

  1. Oh my God.

    I just. I don’t…

    I don’t know what to say. I could turn this entire thing around to mean exactly the same for you. Seriously, I wonder if I can top this on your birthday but I don’t even think I want to.

    DUMBLEMOTHERFUCKINGDORE, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. It’s insane. I can’t even believe we’ve done so much together. Before I met you, sometimes I felt like my ideas were beyond unrealistic and it was such a downer. And then I meet the most amazing, caring friend ever and you feel and want to do the same exact things, and it’s like all the shit I’ve been thinking actually makes sense. YOU COMPLETE ME.

    LOL. Anyway, I’m not sure that even summed half of what I feel. The point is, this was destiny Bre, and like you said, we are going to do magical things in this world. Whoever thinks otherwise can go suck an expired acid pop. I can’t wait to go on a million more adventures with you, to infinity and beyond for goodness sake. I love how we take take life serious enough to not take it so seriously. It’s like our motto and I think we’re some of the luckiest people on the planet because of that. I am not worried for us at all. A few bumps on the road mean nothing when you have a broom that lets you fly.

    (Corny, but what the hell, right?)


  2. I don’t think I can get over this, lol.

  3. I hate that I said take take. I hate typos. I need to stop leaving meaningless comments and killing the moment.

  4. LOL, I miss you as usual and I had my mom read this and she was awww-ing and now I miss you again. Damn.

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